Snitch's Commission Info & prices

Hi, I'm Snitch! Digital illustrator with focus on character designs.
On this website, you can find general infos about my commissions and prices.
You can also find my TOS (terms of service) here. Next to personal commissions, I also offer commercial commissions. If you need some more info about anything else, please don't hesitate to write me an email:
[email protected]

Examples and prices

Here you can find some image examples and their prices. If you are interested in something which isn't listen, just write me on fa or an email and we can discuss your commission wish. :) More examples can be found in my fa gallery:

Side note: Characters can get added to any commission type. Comics are not always open and are very limited. I do extra announcements for them. You will also have the chance to buy bundles of comic pages.Examples of what else can be commissioned: Stickers/ Emojis, Posters/ Covers and much more! :)

Comic BundlesPrices
1 page145€    
3 pages380€    
5 pages625€    

Commission form

Keep in mind, while filling out the commission form:
Paragraphs are hard to remember sometimes, short +
to the point notes are easier to work with.

(for fa notes)

How many characters:
Images of your character(s) / ref sheet(s):
Heroic or Villian type:
Facial expression:
Anything else important:
Background details: (if included)
Email address:
PayPal Email address:
Patreon name: (if you joined a discount tier)


The following is my Terms of Service (TOS). This works as a form of contract between you (the customer) and me (the artist). Here I'll describe what I provide in exchange of payment and how my workflow works. (The complete site counts as tos, including the rules and the workflow).1) When commissioning me, you agree to my TOS. Failure to do so will result in a decline of your commission.
2) Payment works via PayPal (EUR). Full payment is required before I start working on your commission. Never pay me, before I have accepted your commission. I'll always write an invoice as part of our contract. (Payment should be paid within a week/ 7 days).
If Euro (€) is not your main currency, you need to check the price out on your own, via currency calculator for example.
3) Extra fees outside of the example prices will be charged depending on the complexity of your character and added extras. For examples objects like weapons, environment extras etc. These prices are decided on a case - by - case scenario.
4) I reserve the right to decline a commission for any reason.
5) After the artwork is completed customers are not entitled to any refund.
6) You can feel free to tip me, but this is not an obligation! An option is given via my invoice for customers.
7) The final product of a commission includes the original artwork file in a png./ jpeg. - form and is send to you via email or dropbox.
8) Licensed work can include original file data like psd. files. Vector files for logos include and extra license fee.
9) If you commissioned an image from me, you automatically gain personal rights for it. This doesn't mean that you can use your commission for a reselling purpose, using it for merch, promo work, etc. It is possible to buy the full rights to your image.
10) Private Commissions are possible to purchase from me. In this case I won't upload it on my social media platforms and galleries. An extra fee of 20% of the regular price will be added.
11) If you need your commission to a special date, please let me know via the commission form. I'll check if I can match the deadline with your wishes then.
12) After you received your commission file, I'm not obligated to keep the date. File loss will not be refunded.


The following are my rules. Here you can find a listening of what I like to draw and what not. An info is also given how my workflow during a commission looks like.+ I draw any animal & fantasy character
+ I draw new character designs
+ I don't draw heavy NSFW
(slight romance scenes might me doable)
+ I don't draw extreme gore, brutal scenes
+ References are highly recommended if I should draw your OC
+ I will not change my style to fit any franchise, I use my own style to draw


After I accepted your commission, I'll show you a sketch first before I finish the work. (This is not included in sketch - commissions).

I don't provide several WIPs. If you are interested to know what the status of your commission is, you can write me a message to check. (Please keep in mind to not write me several email a day to ask for your status, regular commissions can take up to 1-4 weeks, comic pages and several image commissions longer). If you need your image to a specific date, let me know beforehand(!)

After you received a sketch, you have the chance to ask for changes on the sketch. But be careful, you don't have unlimited requests for changes without an extra fee.
Changes of the sketch can happen ONE time, after the SECOND time, I need to add an extra charge of + 15€ for every "fixed" provided sketch. So be completely sure in your given description, what you want to see in your commission.
Minor changes in the sketch phase are all right, for example if I forgot a detail or if I can change the facial expression of the character. These changes would not be charged after the first time.
Major changes include a complete different pose for example or a different position, clothes changes etc. In this case the extra fee of +15€ would happen after the first change, NOT the second one.
After the picture is finished, you can still request changes, but his doesn't include the pose or other massive changes on the 'outline'. For example minor color changes or if I forgot an important detail on a character are all right to fix.
Changes on the finished image would be charged up to 20% of the regular price. This includes massive changes on the outlines for example.

If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to write me a message. ^^

Licensed work

Next to non - commercial work, I also offer to sell licensed work. This is for people who plan to sell merch with my artworks, need cover designs for books or CDS, logos, complete book illustrations etc.
If you are interested in something which isn't listed yet, please don't hesitate to write me an email and we can discuss your commission plans.